A Surprise Local Delicacy

Hi, everyone!

This morning during literacy, my class had to partner up with a buddy to try a surprise “local delicacy” (as Mr. Moran described it). I looked forward to it, but was also very nervous. Below is a short descriptive piece of writing based on what happened! :))


Usually when you get told that you’d be eating a local delicacy blindfolded as it would a surprise, you would think that you’d be munching on some sort of sweet treat with a gentle coat of sugar on top. Well that was what I convinced myself into believing, and I was totally wrong. My sweet fantasy would soon be disrupted by the citric acid coating on a small sphere that would be stinging my tongue like there was no tomorrow.

Because I couldn’t see it at first, the acid felt sort of spiky, and I almost thought that it would be some sort of insect’s head. It didn’t help that beforehand, Maria was gagging and saying stuff like, “Ew, it looks so weird!” 

I first smelt it, but for me, it didn’t really have a scent at all. So when it was time to taste the treat, I was too nervous that I just took a small lick, but even so, it was still so incredibly sour that I most definitely was not going to eat the rest of it.

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