Day: February 25, 2022

Bedrooms Around the World

Hello, everyone!!

This is my inquiry task for the day. Room 4 sat down today and watched a short 2 minute video
about/showing different bedrooms around the world where some children sleep.

Some of the bedrooms featured in the video were clean and nice, others weren’t so much.
So that’s what this task was all about. We had to select one child and their bedroom (I decided to select three)
and write a little bit about them and the area(s) they sleep, along with the similarities and differences of our bedroom compared to theirs.

In the end, we had a bonus task where we had to get images from online of our dream bedroom.
Although it was weird going from seeing how some kids slept in areas in horrible condition,
(which was very upsetting), to what our dream bedroom would be, this task was a little bit fun.

I hope that some of the children live and sleep in much better places now!!


Belonging and Communities Workbook

Hi, everyone!!

For my inquiry task, I had to work on a workbook all about belonging and communities.
I hope you enjoy and please ignore how badly photo shopped my poster is, I didn’t really know
how else to display me with the community I most belonged to lol :))
